Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Introduction

I first have to say that I was a bit intimidated by this requirement. This was mainly because it required conveying myself through writing. In communicating anything, I find I am much more articulate through speaking. Having said this, I lack a singular, definitive topic for this week's post. I have several interests which include skiing, running, watching movies and TV, politics and reading. Though I enjoy each of these things, I lack a breadth of knowledge to discuss any of them exhaustively here. I blame this on my ADHD. Due to this, my site will probably lack any coherent structure other than the requirements dictated in our syllabus. Strangely, I look forward to this opportunity to apply my self-reflection through the written word. Just on a side note, did anyone else feel like Doogie Howser M.D. (i.e. Barney on the show "How I Met Your Mother") while writing this initial post. Just me? OK.


James Lutz said...

Hey Chris,
There are several of us with ADHD. Both my sons have it and we learned there is a genetic link. They say that half the kids outgrow it during adolescence, the other half (like me) drag it into adulthood. If I did a doctorate thesis, I would be interested in the link between creatives, ADD and left-handedness.
There must be some brain wiring that develops these traits.

Jeffrey said...

Is there anybody who doesn't have a bit if the ADHD in 'um these days? Maybe I just tell myself that to make myself feel better? Did you catch the How I Met Your Mother where Barney was doing the Doogie diary? SOOOOO funny.
