Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I am changed man! Or at least a new employee.

Typically I consider myself to be the ideal employee. I am punctual. I go out to lunch once a week. I complete projects early. According to this week's assignment I am not a good listener. My wife tells me this all the time. I fidget, I answer questions I didn't listen to, and I ask her the same question multiple times. The same behavior that I exhibit with her is carried into the office. During staff meetings, I swivel back and forth in my chair, I doodle on handouts and I interrupt others who are presenting. I was shocked that the author itemized each behavior I exhibit throughout the day. The author’s list included “inappropriate body language, failure to sustain attention, interrupting, and uncontrolled emotional response” just to name a few. I guess knowing and accepting that you have a problem is the first step toward recovery.

Lu, J. (2005). The listening style inventory (LSI) as an instrument for improving listening skill. Sino-US English Teaching, 2 (5), 45-50.

Turnage, A. K. (2008). Email Flaming Behaviors and Organizational Conflict. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, (13), 43-59.


Cat said...

Bravo!! You are on your way to recovery!! LOL! Loved the blog Chris. Very fun, concise, and I did notice that you move around in your chair a lot in class. Its great that you are now more self aware. Congrats!

Rachel Thomas said...

The articles are killing my stance on "multitasking" I have always felt I get more done talking, writing (and driving) all at once. Great blog!
